Are you an Application Sensation?
Are you an Application Sensation? Step four of my Seven Steps is about putting pen to paper and selling you in black and...
Career goals, bucket lists, and Owning up to Being a Grown-Up
Ever since I discovered a desire to visit far off places Thailand was at the top of my list, there was something about the sprawling white sands and...
What are the top three things an Elephant Sanctuary can teach us about communication?
What are the top three things an Elephant Sanctuary can teach us about communication? Internal communication is one of the biggest challenges that...
Taking back control this Blue Monday!
Taking back control this Blue Monday! The third Monday in January is known as Blue Monday and is cited as the most depressing day of the year. The...
The Edinburgh Fringe Festival – Career Consciousness in Action
The Edinburgh Fringe Festival - Career Consciousness in Action I have had a fabulous few days in Auld Reekie taking in the sights and sounds of the...
The Seven Steps to Career Consciousness journey
The Seven Steps to Career Consciousness journey It’s been quite a journey since I decided to publish my Career Coaching book, with a frantic couple...
Top tips on handling phone and video interviews
Top tips on handling phone and video interviews Job seekers nowadays are likely to attend at least one if not two common remote job interviews. More...
DiSC….Oh we are proud to be Accredited
We are delighted to announce that we are now accredited t o deliver Everything DiSC ™, DiSC ™,Everything DiSC 363™ plus other behavioural profiling...
Sleeping with Simon- My night under the stars.
Sleeping with Simon- My night under the stars. Louise Lapish Director of Gatewood Consulting committed to spend a night under the stars in support...
Why I am Sleeping with Simon #SleepwithSimon
Why I am Sleeping with Simon #SleepwithSimon Thursday 25th September is D day Gatewood Consulting Director Louise Lapish is taking to the streets to...
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