Do you get frustrated when individuals or different departments struggle to communicate with others, or you simply do not understand why that customer is so difficult to handle? Why is that team member so hard to manage compared to the rest of the team?
- Understand yourself: how you respond to conflict, your motivators and stressors, and how you solve problems
- Improve working relationships by changing and adapting to your audience
- Reduce conflict and improve team communication
- Develop stronger relationship skills by identifying and responding to customer style
- Lead teams more effectively and understand how to praise and motivate those around you

Interactive Workshop
With an interactive work shop you can harness the power of these bespoke profiles to ensure you are able to be adaptable and change to communicate with those who are different. Why do they always need it in writing? Why don’t they say what they mean and so on…..
Supported by a detailed report each individual will understand more about them, more about the people around them and get practical hints on how to handle those conversations, motivate them and make communication simpler.
Analyse your reactions, your motivators and stressors
Everything DiSC Workplace®
If you and your team need to communicate better this profile could be the key to unlocking your potential. By understanding the DiSC® tool and what it means to you, your reactions, your motivators and stressors. You also receive a comprehensive personal report that enables you to build more effective relationships, and improve the atmosphere and team ethos in your work environment. It can be used to demonstrate to each team member how they can adapt to their audience, communicate in a way they are going to understand.
Everything DiSC Management®
If you could be presented with a document that suddenly showed you how to get the best out of each of your employees, you would grasp as the chance I am sure. This is what Everything DiSC Management® provides you. First off you begin to understand all about yourself, how do you react and how do you behave in stressful situations.. You learn how to read employee styles and adapt your own management style to ensure the team become more effective. All of this and then a detailed breakdown on how to approach the different personality types so that you always stay one step ahead, how to motivate them, provide feedback and guidance, how to coach and most importantly how to play to their strengths.
Tel: +44 (0) 7879 814 508
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Selby Road,
Leeds LS15 4LG
Companies House no: 7220365
© Gatewood Consulting Ltd