Ever since I discovered a desire to visit far off places Thailand was at the top of my list, there was something about the sprawling white sands and clear crystal waters that seemed to call to me. Thailand was somewhere I knew I needed to visit before I had even heard of a “bucket- list.”
I am certainly not planning on leaving this mortal coil anytime soon; however the bucket list began after I had delivered a time management course. The definition of a “bucket-list” is things you want to do before you “kick the bucket”. The delegates and I spent some time talking about what they wanted to achieve, carefully shaping SMART objects that ensure goals are reached. We worked out the work priorities and the personal ones. This is where my light bulb moment happened. I coach and support individuals and organisations to achieve success but I hadn’t taken much time up to consider my personal goals. When did you last put pen to paper to ensure your goals become reality?
A bubbling Bucket List & Owning Up
Thailand wasn’t the first thing I added to the list, there were some smaller goals closer to home came first; visiting a safari park, going to Stonehenge and experiencing the Edinburgh festival. One of the big ones came last year when I published my first book The Seven Steps to Career Consciousness– the first chapter is called Owning up to being a Grown Up. The first of the seven steps is about taking back control; the most successful people are the ones who consciously plan step by step their career ambitions. The only person who can make the difference is you- are you ready? What’s holding you back? How long are you prepared to wait?
On the 22nd December 2015 I boarded a plane destined for Phuket airport, the golden sands and clear waters were almost in sight, It had taken lots of organising and planning to ensure I maximised my time there. I also had as clear a list of what I didn’t want to do.
Read the first chapter now to find out why taking back control is crucial to your next step, no matter if you are seeking promotion, a new position or a complete career change. Read it here.
Deciding what you really want to do is the first step in being able to put a plan together and then making it happen.
Remember that not knowing what you want to do is normal, it’s like those one day some day things you promise yourself you are going to do. The resolution that you are going to change job; start a business, do something that makes your soul happy will only happen when you take control. Evaluate which are the elements of the job you enjoy and the ones you would quite happily never do again.
Make a list of what you do want as well as want you dont. This way you can ensure you are heading in the right direction.
Time to own up and take control!
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